The South Shore of Long Island is a difficult place to ride your bike. The roads are narrow and the traffic is pretty fierce. Additionally, drivers aren't what I'd call accomodating. The North Shore is much easier from what I hear, and this is where most of the action is. I joined a cycle club that does rides each Saturday and Sunday from Westbury High School, which is about a 20 minute drive from my house. It'd be nice if I could find a rideable bike route there as it's only 9 miles away. I'm going to work on this.
So living on the South Shore of Long Island, the problem I'm going to have is mid-week training rides. I'd love to find a nice 20 mile route in the area but just looking around as I drive leads me to believe it's a pipe dream.
The solution appears to be spin class. I've never been a big fan of spinning. Probably equal parts because it's indoors and it just seems cheesy. However, after taking a few classes, I have a new found respect for it. I took some measurements from my road bike and positioned the spin bike to replicate the fit. I actually enjoy the class, instructor and the techno music. The only drawback to spinning is no matter how hard you try, you just can't replicate the feeling of riding outdoors. I don't mean the scenery, etc... I mean the road resistance -- the deep burn you feel in your thighs as you grind on pavement.
I think about riding outside while I'm spinning - it's providing good motivation and fuel to ride oustide in the spring. It's definitely much better than riding the trainer with Coach Troy yelling at you.