Friday, November 9, 2007

My firSSt Reader

Now that the dust has settled on my Italy tour, we're separating the wheat from the chaff. I know I have at least one consistent blog reader, my good buddy firSSt. I must admit I'm having troubles deciding if my readership has troughed or peaked at one.

In tribute to my blog reader, I'm doing a firSSt revival tour. I'm going to experience everything firSSt again. Just in case someone other than firSSt is reading this, I'll give you a bit of background. firSSt is a native Idahoan who came to NYC to work on Wall St. -- after a few years he decided to move back to Idaho and he resides there now. He has his own blog and in fact was the inspiration for my blog (he actually named it as well).

firSSt and I worked together and became good friends, spending a lot of time sharing ideas and entertainment content (e.g., recommending music and movies to each other). If there's one thing that defines a person's uniqueness it's their taste in entertainment content. No matter how much you overlap personality-wise or humor-wise with another human being, you will no doubt find something funny that they find completely unentertaining. I came up with the 25% doctrine to characterize the "hit rate" on content recommendations firSSt and I make to each other. In truth, the hit rate is higher than that, but it feels like 25% bc just like in poker, in life you remember your big losses/misses more than your big wins/hits.

So long story longer, I'm going to go back and watch/listen to some of the firSSt content that defined our time here in NYC together. I've compiled a list of hits and misses below (full disclosure: some of the content below was recommended after firSSt moved back to Idaho, as we've remained close friends and continue to share ideas).

1. Snatch
2. Pink Panther Movies
3. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
4. Rushmore
5. Tenacious D
6. Eminem
7. Jack Johnson

1. Cool Hand Luke
2. Hogan's Heroes
3. Anything Jackie Chan
4. Pintailes Pizza

I'm sure firSSt will chime in with some more misses I've come up with.

1 comment:

firSSt said...

convergence: nakamichi, apple stock below $60 and pre split.

divergence: diana q.

also, the cool hand luke dvd is still in the shrink wrap.