Tuesday, February 19, 2008

On The Road Again

NYC was blessed with a random 55 degree day yesterday, which was also fortunately a bank holiday. I took my road bike out for the first time this year completing a few laps in Central Park and it felt AWESOME. I'm really pumped for this cycling season bc it will be my second "full season" and thus I can more comfortably enjoy things without questioning my abilities. I also want to get at least one tour done and hopefully two.

I'm not a cycling snob when it comes to speed but I do have this ego thing about hills. I will not be beat on a hill. I don't care who it is and whether they even have any idea I'm racing against them. Hills are just my thing, which is weird bc if you ever saw my build you'd realize I have the farthest thing from a hill climbing physique. But you know what they say about cycling, 90% of it is mental and the rest is in your mind.

Ride on.

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