So now I'm planning on doing some lighter trips in the winter/spring (heading to the Caribbean on vacation, visiting firSSt in Idaho, a buddy in LA, my parents in Fla, etc...) while I focus on the Italy move. The two biggest hurdles to living in Italy are learning Italian and getting a resident's visa (which would allow me to stay for more than 3 months). Getting the visa seems like more a paperwork issue than anything else. Learning Italian will be the biggest challenge.
I'm kicking around spending a month in Rome in April to do an "immersion" language program. I have some time before I need to commit to the language program so I'm going to give something else a try beforehand. I bought a used, older edition of the textbook they use in Italian level 1 at NYU. It cost me $2. It may be optimistic to think I can learn Italian on my own for $2, but at the very least, it will give me some foundation if I do the course in Rome.

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