Sunday, June 26, 2011

Deja Vu All Over Again

One thing I like so say is that history repeats itself but is never the same. Or is it?

As I contemplated starting to blog as the Bully gain, I decided to show some of my old posts to my girlfriend.

Low and behold, I stumbled upon this gem from December 2009:

My god, why didn't I listen to myself? Well here I am almost two years later having gotten a Master's degree in teaching on blind faith alone. And blind faith has failed me! Teaching just wasn't right for my inner snake. But I'm not going to harp on the past, it's time to look forward.

So it's back to the drawing board. Back to the financial game. I'm motivated to prove I can not only make it back, but prosper as well. I have a new perspective and a renewed energy.

I will be posting about my efforts to find a job. It's going to be a combination of networking, craiglisting, headhunting and searching company websites. I think they say that looking for a job can take upwards of 6 months even in a good economy. So sit back and get ready for some good blogging content (at my emotional expense).