Monday, December 29, 2008

My New Life

Single, unemployed and living at home with my parents. Just call me George Costanza.

Actually, life at home isn't all that bad.

Here's my routine:

Get up 8-9am, eat breakfast, do some reading, put on some stock positions/do some trading, head to the gym, grab some lunch, head back home to do some more trading/investing/reading, watch some DVR'd tv shows, have a great home cooked meal, head out for drinks with friends or watch some more TV/DVR, go to sleep.


I also squeeze in some travel planning and thoughts on what's next for me. I definitely have some more clarity on the latter, which will more than likely affect the former.

Stay tuned.


Chunks Daddy said...

I'm intrigued.

Anonymous said...

up so early.

are you ready to get up at the crack of noon, for deep knee rock squats, seven or eight at a time, in a row?