Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Money Man

Well, you are looking at the new Treasurer of the New York Cycle Club. I think it sounds more important/impressive than it is considering noone else ran for the job/I was basically recruited for it.

I've been to one transitional board meeting and just had a meeting with the outgoing treasurer to review the responsibilities. While it seems like a good bit of work it definitely feels good to be giving something back to the cycling community. It will also give me a bird's eye view on the inner workings of likely one of the largest cycling clubs in the country. And if I'm (we're) lucky it'll even provide some blogworthy material given that I expect to be interacting with some serious characters.

One of the first things I've noticed is how "paper intensive" the processes are. Almost feels like I'm CFO of some factory in Altoona, PA in the 1970's....check stock, deposit slips, P.O. Boxes, signature stamps, etc...

I think I'm going to try and streamline/automate some things. Likely the thought of every new board member. Let's see if I'm willing to do some heavy lifting.

1 comment:

firSSt said...

congrats on the landslide victory.