Thursday, May 29, 2008

House on Fire

This morning’s training laps were like a house on fire. Three laps in 52 minutes, which equates to a 20.7mph average. The lap splits were 17:30, 17:10 and 17:20. How do I know all this info? I finished the ride is how. I feel like a billion bucks right now.

Today’s ride had an interesting dynamic. We had a relatively large group (say 9 or 10 people) and the overall mood was ornery – my guess attributable to still tired bodies and legs from the Berkshires. The park was crowded and there was a palatable tension in the air – we had two verbal altercations with other riders – one of them almost became physical. I’m sure the amped-up tone had something to do with the speed of the ride. We lost roughly half of the group by the end. It’s especially gratifying to finish on such a fast day.

I’m trying to contain my enthusiasm because I want to make sure this wasn’t a fluke. The Berkshires definitely strengthened my legs tremendously and I got lucky in my preparation due to the fact it rained on Tuesday night. This forced me to ride my trainer and I luckily decided to do a recovery workout which was a great move because it removed all the lactic acid from my legs. My legs felt spry this morning while others were still hurting from the weekend. I also had a great night’s sleep. All that said, I don’t want to over think things and ruin the awesome feeling I have right now.

Now that the SIG is over I have to plan my own Saturday rides. There are several options for “A” rides this weekend (70 miles to Bear Mountain, 60 miles to Nyack, and 100 miles to LI). I’m thinking of doing the most difficult one to keep the momentum going.

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