Friday, June 20, 2008

You Will Be Happier

I'm sitting at home sick with a splitting headache watching the stock market meltdown on CNBC. One thing I've been saying for years now is once our economy resets and all the excesses are wrung out, you'll be happier. The ridiculous materialistic societal pressures will subside. Most of us will be working different jobs. Jobs where we actually produce something instead of trying to outthink the person next to us. You'll spend less time thinking about how to make enough money to secure your next purchase. Instead, you'll take in more of the beauty in the world around you -- the sun, fresh air, water and mountains. You'll find people acting more like human beings were originally intended to act -- with compassion, consideration and respect. In short, what's truly important in life will once again become most important.

On a more mundane note, I'm praying my headache subsides by tomorrow because I haven't ridden my bike all week. I want to get a few more rides in before I visit firSSt in Idaho next week.

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