Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rockin' Out the Base Miles

I did my first ride in Rockville Centre (RVC) yesterday and it wasn't half bad. In fact, I'd say it was surprising good. It was really just a spur of the moment type thing. I wanted to get in a few miles to warm up for today's ride since I was in Florida this week and didn't do any riding. However, I didn't want the intensity of my Old Westbury Training Route nor the 30 minute drive each way. The upshot is I found a nice 5 mile loop here in Rockville Centre that I can now use to work in some base miles on a more regular basis.

The route, pictured below, is surprisingly good and very flat. There are only three or four "head on a swivel" moments. The most dangerous part is riding on Sunrise Highway which is far from ideal but definitely doable. It's never soothing to have cars whizzing past you at 50 mph but there's a very wide shoulder and the biggest risk is most likely a flat from all the road debree on the shoulders (knock on wood).

The key to riding in this area (or any area for that matter) is a rear view mirror that attaches to your glasses. I started using one when we were touring in Italy. It looks pretty darn goofy but it's invaluable to have a view of the traffic behind you as you maneuver on highly trafficked roads. Actually, the biggest risk to riding in RVC is the ridicule I'm going to face when my childhood friends see my in my ride gear. I got a preview last week when I was talking on the phone in front of the deli after a ride. All of a sudden I heard a voice from behind me "are you f-ing kidding me with that outfit?". It was a buddy of mine in a car with his family in tow. He immediately called a few other friends to rip on me (that's what good friends do in Rockville Centre).

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