Monday, April 28, 2008

Maintaining Some Balance

You can never have too much balance in your life (who’s writing this blog, Yogi Berra?). About two weeks ago I realized that I was spending too much time thinking about the stock market and economics. Every night I would come home and watch three hours of CNBC after work – no wonder I was tossing and turning at night with so many opinions running in my head. So I made a rule that I can’t watch or read anything about economics or the stock market during non-work hours. Man has it helped my peace of mind.

One outlet for my increased free time will be to improve my bicycling maintenance skills. I’ve signed up for a 6-week class at a local shop here in NYC and tonight is the first meeting. Here’s how the schedule shakes out:

Week one - Introduction to the course. This class focuses on tires and tubes, the relationship between comfort/speed/flats in selecting tires. Hands on: fixing a flat. Troubling shooting the causes of flats.

Week two - The different types of brakes are covered. Hands on: Brake cable and brake pad replacement and adjustments, and lubricating key brakes parts. Trouble shooting brake problems from squeals to poor braking.

Week three - Introduction to shifters, front and rear deraileurs. Hands on: Cable replacement and gear adjustments and lubricating key gear parts. Trouble shooting gear sounds and worn cogs, chainrings and pulleys.

Week four - Introduction to Bottom brackets. Hands on: overhaul and adjustment of the bearings Trouble shooting shot bearings and poor adjustment

Week five - Introduction to hubs. Exploration of front hubs, rear hubs and the types available. Hands On: Replacing and adjusting hub bearings. Trouble shooting loose or tight hubs.

Week six - A chance to ask questions not covered, review problem area and discuss properly sizing and fitting you to your bicycle.

The course may be a bit basic overall for me but I’m sure I’ll pick up some interesting info. I’ll report back on tonight’s class later in the week.

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