Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Repeat After Me

Hill repeats put hair on a cyclist's chest and should be a staple of any respectable riding diet. In case you are not familiar with hill repeats, here's how they work:

1) find a long, fairly consistently sloping hill.
2) ride up said hill.
3) turn around and ride back down said hill.
4) repeat steps 2 and 3 until you can't feel your thighs.
5) ride home gingerly.

In the words of John Cougar Melloncamp, it hurts so good. The first time you do hill repeats you can't imagine ever doing them again. But when you start blowing away your fellow group riders on hills, it becomes strangely addicting. Almost like taking a legal form of steroids and only you have the secret potion.

After six weeks on the bike, I'm starting to hit my groove and I'm feeling great. So now I'm mixing in hill repeats and I'm loving it. Bring on the pain.

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